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I like to go by TerriDanelle. My story starts back in 1996 when I was only fifteen years old. One day on the way to the store with my sister and cousin by heart stopped beating. I went into cardiac arrest. I was rushed to the hospital by my aunt where a doctor performed CPR but CPR wouldn’t start my heart back. So the doctors had to shock me with the defibrillator machine to get my heart back beating. From that day forward, I knew God was recharging my heart for the road He was about to take me on. Here I am twenty-six years later being a motivational speaker. I first started motivating women while I did their hair. I have been a licensed cosmetologist for fourteen years. I take pride in motivating other women because as women, we go through so much. So if I can help carry their weight by motivating them, that’ is what I will do. I love being a hairstylist and motivational speaker because it brings me joy to place a motivational word into someone’s spirit that may need help. I have spoken at several conferences and I am the co-founder of Ladies On The Rise Ministry. I also post motivational videos of me giving you some inspiration on my Instagram page at IamTerriDanelle. Recently I added Acting to my catalog. I love what I do. Especially when I make other women look and feel beautiful when I finish their hair. Building confidence, showing compassion, spreading love is my goal! So who am I? I am a motivational speaker, a hairstylist and Actress. And I am TerriDanelle
Turn Your Distractions Down
And Your
1. I Motivate
2. I'm A Hairstylist
3. I'm An Actress
I Pray Your Life
Was A Little Better
Today, Than IT
Was Yesterday!
Find me on Instagram:
Find me on Facebook:
Danelle Fielder
Find me on Apple Music:
Contact: (478) 442-3091
Find my HairStyles: Hairstyles:
Find me as a Co-host:
The Rundown On Black Talk TV
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